Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Maritime Poster Concept

Going off on a wee bit of a tangent, here, is another concept I was eager to explore further. I really like the pastiche of the old-timey nautical fish species posters. Another sentimental theme that is widely recognised by most New Zealander's, albeit subconsciously. The idea is to portray a sick future that awaits us if we do not take action now. The poster displays the most common types of rubbish found at most beaches around the world, focussing on it's direct impact on marine wildlife. However the pastiche of this style of poster could be quite limiting, we would like to experiment with brighter colours and a more contemporary colour pallet.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Initial poster concepts revised to near final

The very first theme we experimented with, was a play on DHL surf lifesaving. An identity most New Zealander's are familiar with. Depicted as a comic strip layout, to target our initial younger audience, it displays a somewhat unrealistic consequence of beach pollution. Because of the rather obtuse subject matter and awkward composition of 6 equally sized boxes, we decided this concept was no longer worth refining.

Looking towards a more rhetoric approach was our 2nd stronger poster design of a shoreline as a flat object containing the metaphor of hidden truth of what lies beneath our oceans. The curved line creates a visually pleasing composition and the beach clean up theme strongly resonates. The imagery used is still too literal, but a good stepping stone towards a more rhetoric approach.

After adding much needed type to the above poster makes the image seems a little too busy. There isn't enough space between the elements to retain it's effective minimal composition. Started exploring catchphrases, focussing on puns and wordplay in efforts to really connect with our new target audience age range of late teens to early 20's

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Week8 Monday


Matrix Exercise


 Picking Pirate, tanline, treasure hunt on the left, 

Visual president

 How and why are these elements appropriate or useful. How can they be combined, manipulated. What do they bring to the meaning of your conceptual ideas?

with familiar elements that links to ocean, with their black as sick or death of the marine life. The two poster had used cardboard brown as background to show the sad rubbish like state of the ocean (like a tub of dish water).

The juxtaposition of Jellyfish feeding on a white healthy fish demonstrate plastic pollution kills marine life, but the rubbish made me concern as this is not nature, but extinction.

Topic- Beach Cleanup: Pollution
Marine life is dying, and as a result the whole oceanic ecosystem is threatened simply by various sources of pollution. If we are to preserve ocean and its natural beauty, drastic measures have to be taken to combat this pollution and keep what we hold most dear.

... While all four oceans have suffered as a result of human consequence for over millennia by now, it has accelerated in the past few decades. Oil spills, toxic wastes, floating plastic and various other factors have all contributed to the pollution of the ocean.

Plastic debris can absorb toxic chemicals from ocean pollution, therefore poisoning whatever eats it. In fact, plastic pollution is one of the most serious threats to the ocean. Plastic does not degrade; instead, it breaks down into progressively smaller pieces, but never disappears. They then attract more debris.  It poses a significant health threat to the various sea creatures, and to the entire marine ecosystem. Overall, plastic is the number one source of pollution in the ocean.

Toxic metals can destroy the biochemistry, behavior, reproduction, and growth in marine life.

Oil spill changes the entire ecosystem of a affected area, from long coast line to deep ocean.

There is an island of garbage twice the size of Texas inside the Pacific Ocean: the North Pacific Gyre off the coast of California is the largest oceanic garbage site in the entire world. There, the number of floating plastic pieces outnumbers total marine life six to one in the immediate vicinity.
I could use this fact above to depict the trash ice burg poster in a Satire technique.

Even though much the trash and waste dumped into the ocean is released hundreds of miles away from land, it still washes up on beaches and coastal areas, and affects everything in between. Every marine animal is affected by man-made chemicals released in the water.
Pollution and harm that we can and can't see both exists, and not seeing doesn't mean it doesn't exists.

Moodboards: how and why convert etc collosle squid with trash as element
Style/Looks - Inspiration

Rhetorical approach (show most potential, why)

Depict concept and visual language: random crossing of element form word list to generate rhetorical ideas
See how one concept can be made in many different stylistic interpretations. This styling / rendering can shift the meaning, can add or detract from the message, can bring cliche or profundity to the concept. TRY IT AND SEE. Work quickly to generate a range of styled visuals for each of your strongest concepts.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Week7 HomeWork

Research: What are the topics central issues and themes

Shiuan Huang
  •  Simpsons exercise

    Notes and research on topic

Rubbish free beaches, arrive and leave nature the way they should be.
When we leave litter lying around, it travels out to sea through drains, streams, lagoons, estuaries and rivers. Once in our oceans, rubbish harms and kills sea creatures, who get caught in it or mistake it for food. Toxins from plastics poison our seafood and rubbish on land makes a perfect home for mosquitos to breed and spread disease.
Use this page to learn more, then get involved in hands-on solutions to this problem.
If we all use fewer products that creat rubbish and dispose of what we use carefully, we can keep our beaches and oceans how they should be: litter free. For the rubbish that is already on our beaches the answer is simple: we can pick it up! Beach clean-ups are a great, fun activity to organize for your community.

Jack Johnson interview - Loveyourcoast

Explore Topic:

How human waste made a life are harmful to sea creatures.
treating ocean isn't just aout a clean-up, it is about the process and a way of life..


  • Continue with the Simpsons exercise this time exploring your topic through 2 different characters viewpoints.
  • Use this exercise to understand the topics and to choose the one that appeals most to you.
    Understand that there are many audiences. These varied audiences will help you generate a wider range of viewpoints, design /rhetorical responses.
  • Make notes on the points of the topic(s) and the topic brief expectations and your audience responses.
  • Make quick thumbnail concept visuals to get your character to engage with the event. Have fun, be wild, be fast and loose!

Shiuan Huang

Angelique Araiza

One of the characters we've chose to do was Ned Flanders character.
Brainstorming NED's character 

We did the character of Ned Flanders, he's very friendly,compassionate, annoying, they may say, 


Shiuan Huang

  • Email with environmentalist: Statistic

Hi Claire,

Sounds like a very interesting paper.   We have around about 20-30 people turn up each month, we have a lot of regulars that come most months, newbies that become regulars and a couple of people we never see again.  Everyone that comes is shocked by the amount that accumulates on Evans bay beach and is one of the big reasons they keep coming back to help cause they want to see a difference and they realise the impact the rubbish can have on the ocean and ocean life.  

We have been counting certain thing we are finding a lot of down at the beach - Straws, Lollipop sticks, Bottle lids and Parking tickets.  Which has had more of an impact on people that see these photos on our Facebook page than just the black bags of rubbish.  If you have a look at our Facebook albums on the Sea Shepherd New Zealand Facebook page there are the stats from each month.

Kind regards

Mandy Coleman
Wellington Co-ordinator
Sea Shepherd New Zealand

From: Claire Huang <>
To: <>
Sent: 07/09/2015 1:18 PM
Subject: A uni design student with some environmental questions

Hi Mandy,

I'm Claire Huang, a friend of Sarah Wang ("the one who's going to do the education stuff"), due to a Sea Shepherd beach clean-up event I've participated, I'm currently redesigning a beach clean-up event for my course paper and would like to get to now some more about our pollution side of the problem towards ocean. Would you be interested in sharing statistics such as; what makes people participate (or what kind of people are they)? what are the statistics you have come across (in relation to this topic)?

Hope everything is going well so far,

Kind Regards

Claire Huang 

Water covers more than 70 percent of the planet's surface, making our rivers, lakes and oceans the lifeblood of our planet. Many of these bodies of water may be out of sight and out of mind, but our health may depend on their protection.

Currently, scientists believe the world's largest garbage dump isn't on's in the Pacific Ocean. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch stretches from the coast of California to Japan, and it's estimated to be twice the size of Texas. "This is the most shocking thing I have seen," Oprah says.

In some places, the floating debris—estimated to be about 90 percent plastic—goes 90 feet deep. Elsewhere, there are six times more pieces of plastic than plankton, the main food source for many sea animals. 

Where did this trash come from? Marine biologists estimate that about 80 percent of the litter is from land, either dumped directly into waterways or blown into rivers and streams from states as far away as Iowa.
Read more:

  • Project plan: Finalise from work begun in class.

example of art out of human waste

  • Collect design stylistic and rhetorical precedents: that you find inspiring/appropriate.

  • Mood boards: 

  • Rhetorical thumbnails: 




(parody, Satire,